I'm just a new writer looking for some feed back. I love to write and create stories. It helps me get away from reality sometimes. I would love the comments on my published stuff. I'm a slow worker so just be patient I'll get it done when I have the time.
  • انضمOctober 3, 2018


قصص بقلم Westiee
Until Death Comes بقلم Westiee
Until Death Comes
Mysterious collection of short stories that turn into a bigger story eventually. It's about lovers that we're...
ranking #784 في shorthorrorstories إظهار جميع المراتِب
My Friends And I بقلم Westiee
My Friends And I
Are they her friends? Or are they just in her head? Do friends always help? What if they aren't real?
+9 أكثر
An Unexpected Surprise بقلم Westiee
An Unexpected Surprise
Have you ever been reading a book and felt like you really connected with the characters? So much that they f...
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