
Y'all might not believe this, but we're actually brainstorming for The Unseen again and I am psyched about this. Big plans for the series, ready for a challenge in revising! 


Is the third Unseen book never going to be updated again? Just wondering. After all, it's been almost two years…
          I don't want to sound offensive, I've just really loved this series!


@33parkroad Hi!
            No, it's not offensive! It's been hard to get back into the groove to write, but we are determined to finish.


Heeey! I know we haven't updated or been active in forever, but I felt like announcing that this month is the four year anniversary of when we started writing The Unseen! It's been such an adventure writing with someone who has become a dear friend, and I apologize to those of you waiting on an update! We appreciate all the reads/votes/comments that have made us happy authors!
          -Alex (and Kialee is here in spirit)


Oh my. I just found a submission on Webook where Kialee exclaimed: I DON'T WANT THE UNSEEN TO END! 
          This was written in May of 2011...right after we finished the first book. Little did we know how much longer we would be taking with this series. ;D Don't worry Westy dear, it won't end any time soon.  Especially not with the plans we have for it. <3 -Alex