• انضمFebruary 7, 2016


قصص بقلم A_Woodland_Moose
9: Tales Of The Murder Kids بقلم WilliamAlger
9: Tales Of The Murder Kids
They thought they lived normal lives...until the powers started. They were captured by the government and har...
+2 أكثر
The Murder Kids Return بقلم WilliamAlger
The Murder Kids Return
They're back. And so is evil. The world needs them once more. But the enemy this round. He's known as the Des...
+2 أكثر
I Can Never Die بقلم WilliamAlger
I Can Never Die
She's been through hell. Her parents are oblivious. Her friends are assholes. She just wants it all to end. U...
+2 أكثر
1 قائمة قراءة