
Oh I forgot to tell you guys but I moved over to A03 where me and my friends are making a collab fic. I'm not going to use wattpad anymore so if you would like to see stuff from me, go over there.
          	I hope to see ya there - Wings out


@Wingsrules_xD I'm stupid I forgot to give my name or the name of the fic the fic is called the storm makes awful choices 


Oh I forgot to tell you guys but I moved over to A03 where me and my friends are making a collab fic. I'm not going to use wattpad anymore so if you would like to see stuff from me, go over there.
          I hope to see ya there - Wings out


@Wingsrules_xD I'm stupid I forgot to give my name or the name of the fic the fic is called the storm makes awful choices 


For to long have I forgotten to update you guys, so today I'll give you an update.
          I'm doing well, ( actually I feel pretty awful today but it's fineeeeee) I've joined and left a bunch of fandoms and am obsessed with a few. And with that obsession came a fanfiction but I had just started using A03 a lot so I posted it on there ( don't ask me why, idk )
          It's a Sander sides fanfiction so no one following me will really know what it is but that's fine. I'll probably post it here in a little bit, I just need to copy and paste things and make a cover.
          Wish me luck!  - Wings out


HAPPY NEW YEARS, I joined Wattpad this year and it has been the best year of my life so far ( other then the virus and the death that happened). I hope 2022 is even better, not just for me but for everyone. 
          Wings, signing out :D