
To everyone, 
          	First of all, I wanna apologise for the lack of updates. I don’t really have an excuse other than depression just really kicking my ass.
          	I haven’t been able to find any inspiration to write, and when I try to sit down and focus, I just can’t.
          	Therefor, I’m announcing that I’m going on a hiatus until I feel better, and have healed more. 
          	Perhaps you will still sometimes see an update coming, that just means I have a better day I suppose, but it does not change the fact that I’m still on hiatus.
          	I want to thank everyone for the immense love they have shown for Centuries, and all the other books that I am writing and have published.
          	I promise you, I won’t leave behind this account and won’t leave any of the books I am actively writing without an end. Centuries will be finished, if it in two months, or two years.
          	Of course, I can imagine not everyone will be as happy to hear this news, so again I apologise.
          	Thank you for all the support, truly. Please find patience in yourself for me, and for my written books 
          	Much love to all of you <33


@Auburn0wl thank you so much! I am working on getting better, slowly but surely. Luckily I have a very supporting and loving family who have always stuck by my side. Your support mean a lot <3


I know it’s a little late, but I’m sorry you’re having a rough time of it regarding depression and what that can associate itself with in your life. It’s difficult to try to find personal normality with something that clings to people in the way depression does and I just hope you’re not entirely alone in your struggles, and I just hope that you are still ok or getting better.