
O_O Could I write offensive posts? I can, freedom of speech bitches. XD


So, i am thinking about writing a new book. Based on a girl from a little town in mn (going into the past into something bigger) and she's moved with her family to rhode island, and her parents get divorced and we go through that her mom moves out and stations on statan island and the girl lives in new york, we hear about her life in the big apple as an artist and a sibling, but most importantly, trying to find her happily ever after, as she thinks it will be, it could or couldn't be. 


So! I just wrote a chapter for Infinite which used to be L, IHTIL.  it will be updated soon, I promise, I'm just waiting to write a couple more chapters so i can get back into the groove of things and BOY! They're all in for a heck of a ride in Infinite. I will only be updating Infinite, nothing else, unless requested upon. I love writing, and I really don't know why I even stopped. It's so fun! See you soon :). XX


So, as you can tell... I haven't been updating recently... I know, I know... but hear me out, love is in the air for me and I have been focusing on them as hard as possible and my grades and guess what? in the past three weeks, I got strep throat. the bad kind. so I've been home for the past two weeks sulking instead of writing but I'm announcing that in taking a break until summer.... 6-7-15.... I will be back.... I promise. I'm so sorry, but this is my time to shine, I'll see you then. Bye!


@XXLoveXX4625 actually I got strep A and mono at the same time. YIKES.


I'm so sorry I didn't post on Wednesday, o was really busy, and I forgot, I'll post the next chapter tomorrow, I just needed a weekend to myself. and our school's having a dance, I'll look really pretty, so I was and am busy. I'll update tomorrow. I promise.


omg! I just read one of my chapters from Other Infinites and its looking so frigging good right now! I don't know then I'm going to release it but I'm dying to soon. I think I'll publish it on Valentine's day.  love you all, XX


he he,.... um... I think I'm going to update on Wednesday this week.... only because I think i thought I had time to do another chapter on "L,IHTIL" I have time this weekend, and I know definitely for sure I'm making four more new chapters, before Wednesday. I'm sorry, but I love you all. CYA on Weds.


Hi! I'm going to do an early release on my next chapter for "Love, It's Harder Than It Looks" tomorrow I have a big day ahead of me and I just want to get this done so I can make my day tomorrow easier. ily guys. thanks.  Just telling you so you don't have a big freak out! and I'm updating still every Sunday.