
I have unpublished Kidnapped. Ik it had a lot of votes, and maybe some people were reading it. But, I'm just not happy with it anymore.


Okay. I would really like it if the hate comments stopped on my book. I wrote it a year ago, and haven't had the motivation to rewrite it. Your hate comments aren't helping me fix my errors. It's not helping me write better books. It's making me think that writing isn't my thing, and I would really like it if it stopped. You're hate comments are hurting, but it's not going to stop me from writing. Remove my book from your library. Stop reading it. See if I care. Your hate likes and comments mean nothing. Now, please stop. 


@XXXAutmnRose14XXX just ignore the hate comments, I know it's hard but I'm sure it will help a lot later on. It's better to not say anything than to do something which might encourage them to leave more hate comments.


@XXXAutmnRose14XXX aww I'm sorry about that, and I agree 100% with what you said, btw I'm reading your story "kidnapped" rn, it's so good so far! Keep it up!!~`