OK THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR FARRR TOO LONG. LEMME CHECK THE DATE... This has been going on for like two months and 2 days i think. ANYWAYS, this acc was a PRANK! HAAHAHA. We were bored and wanted to cause drama. NO GRIZEL WAS NOT OFFENDED. Grizel and I (Dex) actually came up with it, then we asked Bex to be the charge. THEN Ro got involved. Then I (Still dexypoop) told everyone on hangouts 'cause I was bored. No one cared lmao.. So yeah. #ShamelessSelfAndOtherPromotions Follow uS @DexDizzneeLand (me) @NotGrizel @BexDizzneeOfficial @RoIsQueen And if we offended anyone super sorry

@XxScarlet_GoblinxX alas someone responded. I pull a prank on Tam. I was TagTheShade and pretended to be his best tag book fan.