
New chapter has been uploaded to I found love. Go check it out 


Hi guys sorry for not publishing a lot on here but from now on I will try and upload everyday on here like I do on wit. I will probably do a schedul for when I post so when that is sorted I will let you know. 
          I also have started a new series on here so go check it out. 
          For now bye and love you all so much 


Thank you 


@Xxmeg03xX  i know im replying late but take all the time u need don't rush it. Take time and make the story amazing 


Hey guys I will be posting in Wattpad as well as wit. I will post soon when I have an idea on what to write but I do have an idea but that story will be on with so for now I will write some smut episode if that’s what you guys one or maybe a ship. For now I will notify you when I will be starting an actual story