I finally finished 6.1! I’m still working on 7 but I’ll giga ya a hint on what it’s going to be called. “Eclipse”. Okay that’s pretty on the nose if you’ve read chapter 6 but I mean it was quick and simple for me. I read too many of those manga where the title is litterally the plot. It’s influencing me and stuff. 


I finally finished 6.1! I’m still working on 7 but I’ll giga ya a hint on what it’s going to be called. “Eclipse”. Okay that’s pretty on the nose if you’ve read chapter 6 but I mean it was quick and simple for me. I read too many of those manga where the title is litterally the plot. It’s influencing me and stuff. 


Everyone I’ve had a Vision almost like a prophecy… on a serious note, sorry I haven’t uploaded in a while I’ve just finally gotten started on chapter 7 and might release a extra for chapter 6 just to give me more time to think of things for the prayer dance. I’ve written some stuff in my notes on what I want to do about the zankoku and the shika but it hasn’t been turned into anything yet. Just know I’m working on it!! 


Skibidi gang, I’m working on a new story. This one will be a first person perspective of my life so far. It’s only slightly exaggerated and includes me from the point of view as a dragon that goes by the same name! 


I FINISHED CHAPTER 5!! I’m going to begin working on chapter 6 in either the next couple of days or weeks, I already have the blueprint for it complete I just need to turn it into a story! This is the beginning of the shinatsu mountains arc which is probably going to last like 2-3 chapters depending on how good I’m at, at dragging things out in an entertaining way but please enjoy it anyways! And please leave your thoughts about the story after each read, thank you!!!


Sorry for not posting for almost the whole month gangsters I like couldn’t come up with ideas/I completely forgot about some of my stories. I’m working on chapt 2 for reptilian blacksmith thooooo stay tuned