After four years, I'm changing my bio. Hahaha. Since I kind of stop writing my stories here in wattpad, I lost interest in updating my bio but somehow after four years of neglecting one of my unfinished story, a reader comment about how I should update it and how good my story is. So now I'm rethinking of updating/ continuing it again. I have a blog about random stuffs. So yeah, I always have this passion in writing. It is just that I don't have the confidence. 

I don't know what else to say. I'll just list down my personal accounts:

Twitter: @iamcamille10
Instagram: @camscamillee
Snapchat: camscamillee
  • IscrittoMay 9, 2012

Ultimo messaggio
YourMissSomebody YourMissSomebody May 18, 2013 02:42AM
@twotoebee oh?talaga? Nice! hehehe :)) Ok lang yun. Short story lang yung sa akin.. 
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Storie di camscamillee
IS HE FOREVER? di YourMissSomebody
Kyle Xiomara Cane has all the quality that every young ladies asked for. But Kyle is a girl that we can call...
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