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Heyyy, I hope you're doing well! I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I genuinely appreciate the comments you make on my story. The thought and effort you put into every single one don't go unnoticed, and it truly means a lot to me. I look forward to reading your insights and reflections each time I post a new chapter. Your encouragement and kind words have been a tremendous source of motivation for me. I really enjoy engaging with your feedback and seeing how you connect with the characters and plot. I wanted to write this short message to thank you for everything. Your support has been invaluable, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a thoughtful reader. As much as I would love to individually reply to every comment and thank you personally, I worry that in doing so, I might inadvertently reveal too much about the upcoming plot twists and turns. I hope you understand and that this doesn't come across as impersonal because I truly appreciate each comment you leave. Thank you once again for your continued support and understanding. It means the world to me!

Wow! This was written so well. I can’t wait to hear your writing style. And this all sounds so amazing as well. I’m insanely open to go through all the discussing and reviewing of your book. I’ll stay in touch! I’m so glad to have met you.

@LitLyricist Hayyyy I'm so happy to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words. Yes I'm doing well, and I hope you are doing well too. I'm really glad that my dedication to comment on your novel makes you happy. Yes it's true I put a lot of effort into commenting on it, and I love to do so. Your work is intense, delving deeply in the more intimate and twisted sides of human nature, giving me lots of material to reflect and comment about. Also, I'm feeling proud that my interest is a source of motivation for you: that really made me feel good. You have to know that you too are a motivation for me to write. Later on, I'm working hard to complete the definitive sample of my novel to present to you. I do not even take a day off after completing a chapter like I was doing before. Working knowing someone is interested is really fulfilling :). Also, I admire and esteem you as a skilled writer and reviewer, and I look forward to you as a mentor who can guide me to become a better writer. I very much need that, since I'm preparing my first work ever :D . I'm really satisfied with our chats about your work. When it will be completed, we will be able to talk deeply about everything of your novel, without risking any spoilers XD. Sooner or later, we will also talk about my characters and twisted events in my own novel, it will be so interesting to hear your thoughts on it. Let’s keep in touch! And let’s keep working hard on our precious art!