What movie I like:
Descendants 1,2,3
Over the moon
Series I like:
Hotel de Luna
Stranger things 1,2,3
My ID is gangnam beauty
Book I like:
Twilight: eclipse
Twilight: breaking down part 1,2
A place in time
548 heart beats
Upcoming story:
One word to die part:1 (dark church)
One word to die part:2 (death marriage)
One word to die part:3 (welcome back Ella)
One day at campus
Blackpink tale's
Life in the darkness part:1 (the past is coming back)
Life in the darkness part:2 (trap in this saddest world)
Life in the darkness part:3 (I can see the light in you
Dark time story's
New generation of Ella Boyce magic part:1 (a new beginning)
New generation of Ella Boyce magic part:2 (dark tower)
New generation of Ella Boyce magic part:3 (my reflection)
My story (a real life story)
Hi guys I know that I have a lot of coming up story. I know what you things that i cannot do it well you're wrong i can do it but this time i'm not available to do all of those