@ZeSovietMan Don’t do it, Trust me, I’ve tried, The scars don’t go away when you do.
Life hits you like a truck sometimes, It does, After all we live in a world where *nobody* is the main character, like you’re an extra in a Avengers movie. You’ll get through it, Keep pursuing your dreams, you aren’t legally binded to your parents when you’re 18, why would they care what you make money from?
Take your time to press your computers power button and- as Kruz80’s said above me, look at life in a different way, Ignore the politics, ignore your parents, We’re all strangers here. We’re only people to support you, not to guide you, Take what the Universe (or god) will give you an enjoy it.
I don’t know your situation, I’d recommend going to a therapist and vent, Get a pillow or something, let the rage out.
We’re here if you ever need to return, We’re here if you decide to leave.
I pray you get better, Let your wisdom and gut guide you, Therapy is a good option, I’d recommend that, Find something you like, If it helps, mine’s posing and animating stuff, you are worth every single stage of evolution that our species has ever went on to have.
You are worth it.