
Hi loves, 
          	I know the launch of my book was supposed to happen on the 10th, but a lot of stuff has happened these pass few days. But it’ll be up soon! its spring break so i’ll drop it! Just for reference, I’ll update the book on Wednesdays and Saturdays and it’ll drop at 7pm CT/8pm ET 


Hi there! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your votes! I hope you find yourself enjoying my fanfics, “The Queen’s Heart” and “When It Rains”.
          In addition to following me and/or selecting my stories to be on your Reading List, if you’d like to receive updates about my SwanQueen Fics, Livestreams, contests, giveaways  and more, please give me a follow on Facebook (Link in bio/profile) and Instagram (FanFictionByAnthoyla) as well!
          I really hope you enjoy reading along as much as I enjoy writing them. While you’re reading, if you’d like to add any comments/votes as you read, I would very greatly appreciate it! It is always encouraging to see them, and it motivates me to continue writing!
          Thank you again, I really appreciate you taking the time to read it.
          Stay tuned, new chapters will be posted very soon!