
where all my lesbians at?


may or may not have learned something about myself? i think and i am almost one hundred fifty thousand percent positive that i'm lesbian- i mean, not that yall care but there we go


@Daredevilll nah i used to think it too lmao


@_-Madame-Nova-_ yeah I understand because when I was younger I thought that only a male and a female could be in a relationship together. As naive as that sounds... 


@Daredevilll honestly the hardest part about it was figuring out that i only liked guys because i had to, if that makes any sense.


i really really want to do a sad romantic avengers roleplay. doesn't matter what pairing, but i kinda wanna play steve rogers?? anyway, please please pleaseee message me and help me plan something out. thank you!


@winter487 bet! send me a message <3


@_-Madame-Nova-_ since nobody has responded I'll volunteer