Welcome Newcomers! 
I'm glad you could make it here, please do enjoy your stay in this fantastical Dream land~

✔️ - DM's are open
✔️- Safe Place // LGBTQ+ Safe
✔️ - Writing Style Changes
✔️ - School

About me:

- Highschool Student who knows little about anything but a whole lot to wonder.

- They/them personnel who is crushing on someone while trying to recover.

- Hufflepuff / Slytherin

- I love drawing and Writing in my past time or in general.

Books In the Making:

~ God Won't Help; 1 Book Series

~ Jumping into Truth; 4 Book Series
Editor: @sunny_wishes_ , @

Other Accounts:

Wattpad; @_Aidens-Dreamscape
YouTube; Aiden Animates
Instagram; aiden_animates

May be in need for editors sooner or later.
  • Canada
  • Üye olduJune 11, 2019

Son Mesaj
_Aidens-StoryBoards _Aidens-StoryBoards Sep 30, 2019 02:53AM
Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful day~ Just saying I posted a new chapter of ‘Breathing in the Atmosphere’! Expect to see some more excitement soon.
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