Hi everyone as of today I will be leaving WATTPAD I've repented and you should too. And I know it's easy to get sucked into everything that going on in the world right now but you need to know that Jesus is coming back to earth and we all need to repent! I hope at least someone gets this message. And if you see this message it was meant for you, god wants you to repent and go to heaven not hell. I'll miss talking with you all, and my corpse husband x reader series... Yeah I won't be writing that anymore, it's against my lord and savior Jesus Christ 
and everything he stands for and I am willing to give it up for him, he was willing to die on the cross for our sins so we all should be willing to give up this sin of ours. Jesus is coming back soon so please repent!! I can promise you that it's not to late. And remember god dosent look at all the mistakes you've made in the past, he looks at what your doing right now. He loves you so much and nothing you do can change that. Love one another do good and spread his word as much as you can!!! I love you god loves you and I'm out. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • انضمJuly 28, 2020


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