🔞|| I love writing ✍️ 💛 || please leave feedback in my stories it'll be appreciated 💓
  • Somewhere
  • IscrittoJanuary 1, 2015

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_JadedCrYstAls_ _JadedCrYstAls_ Jul 06, 2017 02:37AM
Hey, I have a request for my followers if you're up to it, Can anyone of my followers Pm me a question you would ask an advice columnist. Your questions would be featured in my book and if you want I...
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Storie di Ari 💋
Anonymous Advice Anyone? di _JadedCrYstAls_
Anonymous Advice Anyone?
Rain Anderson is your Average High School student ."A and B" student, Who Parties from Time to tim...
A Bad Boys Break-In  di _JadedCrYstAls_
A Bad Boys Break-In
Mckenna Knight is your average geeky high school student. She "weird",shy,she likes to read,sits in...
Cupid's Game di _JadedCrYstAls_
Cupid's Game
"Tell me, Ivy, Do you believe in love," His eyes shined in anticipation for my answer "No&q...
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