Cycle of life
Buy Bts merchandise, cause it makes you happy
laugh at how people waste their money on famous people and things
realize you do that you do the same thing
Cry cause your no diffrent
(The start all over)
Mine is Jungkook. My bias wrecker is bother Jhope and Jimin. And im glad taht you are getting into bts more so il hvae someone to talk about it woth. Anyways ill talk to you later love you darling.
I d9 n9t mean t9 cause 9ffense 6ut y9ur pr9file picture and c9mments can 6e p9ssi6ly triggering t9 s9me pe9ple 9r tr9lls, y9u sh9uld take int9 acc9unt s9me triggers 9f 9ther pe9ple. Triggers may include slurries, pail filling, lewd acti9ns 9r language, and cl9wns. I will let y9u 9ff with a warning, t9 take int9 acc9unt 9thers p9ssible triggers. #lewd#tw#NoOffence#ClownsCanBeTriggering#WhyAmIDoingThisWhatIsWrongWihMe