I'm obsessed with zombies | 17 years old | Bisexual | Female | Zodiac: Pisces ♓ | NickToons fan | Object Show lover [Mostly Inanimate Insanity] | Coookiiiees 🍪🌈 | Date of birth: Mar/8/2008 | I'm in so many fandoms | Generation Z | Professional artist and Funimate editor | Animal lover | I simp for Wallet [Object Terror] so don't judge me | Nostalgic | Probably a 2000's girl | A Scene Fr34k | Broomalky / Black Towel and White Towel shipper
  • A joke cookie zombie apocalypse :3
  • انضمSeptember 19, 2022

الرسالة الأخيرة
_JokeCookie_ _JokeCookie_ Mar 08, 2025 06:03PM
Happy birthday to me! :3
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Joke Cookie Here
TOWELZ [Undead AU] [13+] بقلم _JokeCookie_
TOWELZ [Undead AU] [13+]
This is an Objectified and 28 Days/Weeks Later inspired AU of TOWELZ, an object show created by BuzzFlowExpre...
Object show OneShots and x Reader [Rewritten] بقلم _JokeCookie_
Object show OneShots and x Reader...
This is the rewritten version of my first object show OneShot book I made in 2022.
Random object show Oneshots (and some x reader) [Old / Rewritten Version Made] بقلم _JokeCookie_
Random object show Oneshots (and s...
This is my first time doing Oneshots and x reader stories. I'm not an expert at writing ship stories.
6 قوائم قراءة