
Guys go join this amazing roleplay on my friend @Viviv_zyy ‘s account!
          	There are still some roles left and it’s going to be so much fun!


Hello lovies! I have a quick question for you all, would anyone be interested in a selection roleplay? I’ve gotten a few requests and just wanted to see if anyone would be interested? And also I was thinking about making a Roleplayers Chatroom book just so people can arrange roleplays and meet new people to roleplay with! Feel free to replay with your input! Thanks! 


          Would you be interested in joining a roleplay?I can't give too much away but, it's a heroes and villains roleplay with a special twist.
          He hasn't really posted the first chapter but I helped him with it and it's going to be pretty fun if you join.
          If you can't could you please point me in the way of other roleplayers you may know? I'm kinda desperate xD


            I myself have been a bit busy ((sorry for the late response)) so I wouldn’t really have time to join a new roleplay but I can definitely add it to my list and suggest it to a few friends! Could I get some details? A name of the roleplay or the person making it?


Does anyone get notifications when someone reply’s to a comment or is my Wattpad just messing up?


            "Right, right. Back to updates... LET'S GET MCFREAKING TURNT." "*Comes back from the dead* wATTPAD I CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD TO SAY NO. STOP IT." "YoU caNt TeLl Me WhAt To dO."


            “See what you did Wattpad? You killed OJ. See what your updates are doing to people?” “Now I want orange juice...” “DONT FREAKING CHANGE THE SUBJECT WHAT THE HECK WATTPAD.”


            "OH WAIT. And remember that one time where you couldn't comment at all? Lets make that happen, except you can't see their replies." "WHAT THE HELL, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? *jumps off a ship*"


I’ll be starting my hunger games role play this weekend! There are a few male tribute left and a bunch of escorts, mentors, and more roles open! 


Ripp so sorry love, may the odds be ever in your favor with your role play!


That moment you accidentally start a hunger game roleplay at the same time as a more popular host and watch yours crash and burn. ;-; 