
Out of 100% people.. less than 10% who care about what I've done.
          	Am I really that bad 'writer'?
          	I have never demanded a comment or vote because it might sound childish. I am an adult, 20+ yrs old, live alone, have 3+ jobs and shits—I should be able to ignore trivial things like this. But somehow it's really devastating; I only get 30 or 40 votes out from 1400+? 10 comments out from 1400+? On another work, there's a very far gap case between 200 to 500 votes?? 
          	2 another works w/ 10k reads reported and then vanished?
          	So i'm really that bad ya?
          	I've always try to not base my work on votes / comments. I know it'll drain me. But at this point, I couldn't withstand any longer for this unappreciated feeling.
          	I'm pathetic because I rely on followers, because I often think who is following me it means to support me, 
          	And yes, I sound stupid because writing this statement. I'm sorry I couldn't stand this after 4 years of trying.


Kak... Aku rela download wattpad demi baca cerita Vsoo buatan kakak ❤❤❤


@ lililavender  im sorry im typo *unpublished


Aw, tauk bngt sih rasanya, and sometimes i feel same with you, banyak yg baca tapi voment nya dikit:"). Pen publish tapi rasanya sayang bangt, dan aku tuh suka bngt sama karya kaka dan slalu jadi inspired bagi aku, and aku baru sadar sekarang klo kaka close, sumpah sakit bngt sih. Im so sorry for your bad feeling, i hope you back:) k thaya udah lakuin yg terbaik. 


Out of 100% people.. less than 10% who care about what I've done.
          Am I really that bad 'writer'?
          I have never demanded a comment or vote because it might sound childish. I am an adult, 20+ yrs old, live alone, have 3+ jobs and shits—I should be able to ignore trivial things like this. But somehow it's really devastating; I only get 30 or 40 votes out from 1400+? 10 comments out from 1400+? On another work, there's a very far gap case between 200 to 500 votes?? 
          2 another works w/ 10k reads reported and then vanished?
          So i'm really that bad ya?
          I've always try to not base my work on votes / comments. I know it'll drain me. But at this point, I couldn't withstand any longer for this unappreciated feeling.
          I'm pathetic because I rely on followers, because I often think who is following me it means to support me, 
          And yes, I sound stupid because writing this statement. I'm sorry I couldn't stand this after 4 years of trying.


Kak... Aku rela download wattpad demi baca cerita Vsoo buatan kakak ❤❤❤


@ lililavender  im sorry im typo *unpublished


Aw, tauk bngt sih rasanya, and sometimes i feel same with you, banyak yg baca tapi voment nya dikit:"). Pen publish tapi rasanya sayang bangt, dan aku tuh suka bngt sama karya kaka dan slalu jadi inspired bagi aku, and aku baru sadar sekarang klo kaka close, sumpah sakit bngt sih. Im so sorry for your bad feeling, i hope you back:) k thaya udah lakuin yg terbaik. 


Happy Eid Mubarak! Sending warm wishes and happiness xx
          Mohon maaf kalau selama ini Thaya ada salah apa2. Semoga kalian sehat selalu. Aamiin.


@Uumita hai, its been a while! Aku jg minta maaf klo typingku ada yg menyinggung kamu. Maafin juga ya ❤


@icetaetea iya makasih! Km jg sehat2 terus ❤


@saldaal aamiin. Makasih banyak ya!


Kak, Pasutri 4D direvisi ya?


@Ariattae sama-sama kak :)


@nabilaan99 terima kasih atas apresiasinya  ❤ this is so heartwarming


@Ariattae  oalaah, pantesan kirain dipunyaku ilang harus dibaca lagi biar ngena hahah
            Btw, makasih kak, udh bikin cerita2 manis yang suka bikin aku senyum2 sendiri
            Tetap sehat, dan semangat selalu untuk bekarya. Aku rasa bukan cuma aku yang mabuk sama karya kakak


kak thaya aku kangen cerita nya jirose sama vsoo yg dokter2 itu :( tapi apaya judulnya ku lupaa gaada niat buat repub ceritanya kah kak?


@Ariattae aku pengen baca juga ka.. hhhh


@ Ariattae  siapp kaakk


@pocci28 huaa yaampun maaf ya ku unpub dulu soalnya bobrok gitu :') kubetulin dulu yaa nanti ku post lagi kalau udah semua :D


Temen - temen disini ada yang bisa buka The Fallen One sama Abide nggak.... (-’๏_๏’-)


@ Ariattae  aaaammmiinnnn 


@nadyaayu01 iya huhu mudah2 an balik dua2 nya


@Uumita cumam ada abide, itu pun mentah banget blm edit2  (╥_╥)


Pasutri 4D all chapter unlocked! ♡ 
          ((really sorry for mass spamming))


@ Ariattae  iya kaka❤️❤️


@nadyaayu01 uwuwu makasih dah mampir yaa 
            @byun_fabulistiana iyaa kesian mereka diumpetin terus 
            @Uumita makasih banyak say ❤❤


@ Ariattae  its okay, i'm happy cerita favku balik lagi yeeey thank u so soo much ka thayaaa ❤️❤️