I realllyyy wanna right a story about Daniel CV but I don’t have any ideas on what I should write about. Can any of you give me some ideas? I was thinking of writing something like, the wdw boys had a massive fight and they all started to leave the band one by one, and then a few years pass and they’re still not back together, but Daniel and Zach have become friends again, and Dani is like, really depressed about it, but then he meets the girl character and slowly starts to become happier again, and then they fall more and more in love and get married and have kids. And like, I wanna write my first series so I kinda wanna write two or three books on this “topic”, if y’all know what I mean. I dunno tho, because the only physically popular book I’ve published was that shitty one about Mikey Barone, and then yeah, so I want to write a book on something that’s like, ‘in’ so yeah, IDEAS PLEASE!! PM me if you have some ideas? Xx