{petite • impatient • 1/2 vivacious 1/2 lazy}

Hi! I'm Fae Marshall. I am a proud Canadian who enjoys science, math and art.

Rock and alternative are where it's at for music.

Just say hello, I'm really friendly!

R A N D O M|
• I accept reading request
• I speak French. Mais, Je parle Québec français. Je prends français jusqu'à grade twelve donc je serais bilingues. Je suis très excitante! Je pense que Je parle français bien.

U P D A T E S C H E D U L E |
Weekly ~ The Coriolis Effect
Sporadic ~ Emerson (typically once a week)

C O N T A C T I N F O |
•PM on Watpadd

  • Je danse dans les étoiles
  • InscritApril 8, 2015

Dernier message
_faemarsh _faemarsh Nov 13, 2016 06:11PM
First chapter of Emerson has been published!
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Histoires par Fae
Emerson par _faemarsh
[[E M E R S O N]] Adabelle Monroe is saying goodbye to her lavish lifestyle in the west coast of Cana...
ranking #118 dans la catégorie musicians Voir tous les classements
The Coriolis Effect  par _faemarsh
The Coriolis Effect
"It's okay to cry." She prods gently. "Sometimes I'm not so sure." I whisper into her ear...
Organize par _faemarsh
I was so caught up in the moment I didn't notice him move closer until our lips were a centimetre apart. &quo...
ranking #90 dans la catégorie nomorebullying Voir tous les classements
4 Listes de Lectures