dear americans,
do you guys have muggies in the US? like where i’m from in the UK u can take muggies of people which is basically just a picture you take of them when they’re not looking or u catch them off guard? do u guys have a word for that?
VIOLETS ARE PURPLE NOT BLUE: hey to all those reading VAPNB, when i started that story i had a direction for it but i now hate that idea and have no clue where to take violet and jeremy or what to do with them? any ideas would be appreciated ❤️
as you update/continue the story, you'll get a heavier audience since usually people lean towards completed stories or the ones which have a few chapters already. You'll get a lot more readers for it as it goes on
hi thank u for ur interest in the story!!! i have a few chapters written but as no one seemed too interested i haven’t posted them! i’ll post one today just for u