awe i love you more:( talk to me more best friend :) ❣️ i miss u

Read the name and buy Thanks have a good day

the new trench album is so good wow

@aashesss fACTS bro ive been listening to it on repeat for 4 days straight.

you know what guys, everyone that follows me will get this notif. they’ll get to read this. they’ll get to understand my pain and so i want to share with you guys, a very important message that’s been weighing down my shoulders and just everything in me. i didn’t feel like living anymore but maybe i’ll feel better if i get this out... is it balogna or baloney?

to whomever it mate concern i shoved a whole bag of jelly beans up my arse

getting on this app is the equivalent to following a 12 years olds twitter and they update their status every 3 minutes.

hey since everyone gets these notifs now imma take the time to say.. The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute

sorry i just gotta ask are you me?

Hai,we have a lot and common so we should be frens!or not,it's up to you!