
violent delights had become my life tbh, can't wait to write more  lemme tell you about what I have planned, hmm, nope  you'll just have to wait!!


you guys wouldn't know this, but I have an ideas page for most of my new fanfictions to help keep me on track, and I'm beginning a new one (maybe), and let me tell you the ideas page is HILARIOUS BECAUSE LIKE IM RUNNING ON NO SLEEP AND AM BASICALLY HIGH WITHOUT THE WEED, but yeah maybe I'll post it if I ever finish it


Thanks so much for the add and vote ❤️
          - LR


@his-rosaline I get my photos from Tumblr, or the internet, fix them to the wattpad cover dimensions, then use Phonto for the text :) Hope that helps! PM me if you'd like if you have any other questions :D


np! I was wondering what you used to make your cover though? They're so pretty! 