There are many ways I could start this book. But I figure this is the way I should start. I was born into a family full of alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately I got dragged straight in the drama. Being left in a house often wile my mum (Helen) was out getting high, she never spent time to sit down and talk to her kids (three of my siblings Andrew, Bethany,Cassandra and I Adam) As I was only two at the time I don't remember a thing but now thirteen years on I have finally put the last pieces of the puzzle together.
Chapter 1. Life with mum
At birth I was a chubby baby you know a little soft around the edges. The first year was great, living the life of a normal family laughing, being happy you know the usual stuff. That was until my mum ran broke to gambling and drugs my dad Paul went ballistic and decided that he'd had enough and left with the clothes he had on and the money he had on him that day. As of this my mom got deeper in to drugs and alcohol and grew further away from her family Allison (sister) Balinda (also sister) John (brother) and mother Wendy. My aunties (Allison and Balinda)
were keeping a close eye out for us kids. As my mother grew deeper and deeper into drugs my siblings would go to there friends house for food and water. As of me being so young and not knowing anybody my elder sister Bethany would take me to her friends. As time went on this became a daily routine and after a wile my auntie finally relised it wasn't safe for us kids and that's when she decided take us.