Hey everyone! Y'all, it has been a HOT second since I've been on here, holy cow. A lot has changed in these past two? Three? More? Years since I was last on here. How are you guys doing? I'm going to do a full update of my about, but here's some of the major things that have changed. Firstly, and probably most important, is that I changed my name! I'm Max, and I use they/them pronouns. I even got my name legally changed!! It's awesome.
@agogo_max Anyways, I'm back, and I can't wait to get back in the groove of things! (Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Di-) ;)
@agogo_max Thirdly, there's something I want to address right out of the gate. Something that Kaliana has introduced me to, and that we've both really gotten into and is really meaningful to the both of us, is kpop. I know there's *a lot* of mixed feelings on the internet about kpop, and I won't make anyone change their opinion. What you think is perfectly valid, even/especially if it doesn't match with what I think. So, if you don't like kpop you are welcome on this profile. If you do like kpop you are also welcome on this profile. The only thing that isn't, is hate against me or anyone else because of their views (this policy will also be enforced for any kind of homophobia, transphobia, racism, discrimination, hate, or bullying based on someone's interests or identities on my profile or stories). If you don't feel like you'll be able to coexist peacefully and respectfully on my profile, then feel free to stop following me.
@agogo_max Secondly, I've successfully escaped and survived forever-single syndrome!!! I have a lovely girlfriend named Kaliana (don't worry, she's also a super nerd), and we've been dating for about a month and a half as of 12/2/19. We'd been friends for many years before I asked her out, and she turned me down. Fast forward to a few months later, we'd gotten much closer, and she told me she had feelings for me, I asked her out a second time, and she said yes!!! We're very happy together, despite her mother's best attempts (but that's a whole other story).