
I want to expand a character that has been used but has never had a large spotlight like jack, hermione and Wilbur have, to kinda pull towards my audience a little bit more. who would you like to see get a spotlight next? 


I want to expand a character that has been used but has never had a large spotlight like jack, hermione and Wilbur have, to kinda pull towards my audience a little bit more. who would you like to see get a spotlight next? 


So I have deleted all of my books, apart from A Fair Exploration, for the time being it will be the only continued book.until i start binging shadowhunters and restart Subtle Impressions, ya know my first book that i forgot about XD


Super happy with the new work Ancient Toys!!! Chapter 5 will be out tomorrow afternoon if i can keep on track. Superego update is taking a little longer than i thought, i haven't really been in the mood for writing a major battle scene recently :/ I do plan on updating 9 of Spades too, just trying to figure out where i want this next chapter to go...


EWW another long break lol...Sorry i guess? anyway, one new work on its way, and superego update coming real soon!