Hey- Not fair! You uploaded three chapters on fanfiction and here I have been pining after an update for days and days and waiting for your reply... :/

@alethnya Thats what I really cant decide. I'll PM you about this. Dont want my uncertainties out in the open. So yeah.

@Tsukuyomi666 Ok so...I was able to sneak away and read during bath time! I love your prologue. Very intriguing. How far ahead have you planned for? Where are you going to take it? I'll tell you this...the trick to writing Khan is not to take him too far one way or the other. Don't make him too soft and don't make him too hard...but don't forget that he IS both. The people he loves, he LOVES. The people he hates, he HATES. What timeline are you working with? Is this during the Augment Wars?

@Tsukuyomi666 I'm so sorry!!! And if it makes it any better, I only posted one chapter to FFN (the chapters are slightly different here...I combined a few smaller chapters so the chapter count is lower here!) The delay with getting back to you was not intentional, I promise! I've got two kids and they've been trading colds back and forth over the past few weeks...it's been a special time! After I get them (and my husband) tucked in for the night, I promise that I will respond to you more fully! Again...SO sorry...life just got in the way!

Hello. Stumbled upon your story on Archiveofourown.net. And can I say that you nailed Khan's character? Loved it. Absolutely loved it! :D Please dont abandon this story and it would make me really happy if you saw this one to the end! We need more Khan/OC stories and by far, yours was closest to perfection! :) Cheers.