@aliceaileen more like anyone from konoha is a bad match up for naruto, like seriously all the females that naruto saved or encountered thats not from konoha has a better chance of romance, theres shion in which he saved and promised to help her create an heiress for the line of priestess, theres shizuka who he fought and changed her outlook on her villages tradition and promised him that if they haven't found anyone else in their life then they would fulfill the oath of engagement since he won, theres amaru who he saved and she in turn even tried to save him but seeing that she couldn't reach him she dove for him not wanting him to die alone if it was going to be their last moments, theres also ryuzetsu in the blood prison in which both of them got to know about each other personally since at that time naruto was feeling betrayed by konoha and had no allegiance to them at that point so both of their interactions are literally about them and not the villages, hell both her and naruto did the exact same thing that his parents did in saving someone by blocking a claw with their bodies which in my opinion ryuzetsu should've survived and be his love interest since she gave her life for him to revive him and note this, her jutsu of reviving someone doesn't need to be done by a kiss, ryuzetsu literally gave up her life in exchange for naruto to live because she loves him and thats a goddamn enough of an indication on how strong her feelings for him are even if they've only known each for a couple of days which doesn't matter in the face of that dedication, hell Naruto's first thought and words wasn't even about any of his friends in konoha or about his life, all of his thoughts were of ryuzetsu