
@ChristopherSchifani Uh, various reasons. I am, in general, a slow writer and updater, but school has also gotten a lot busier now that I'm actually..trying to get good grades. xD I also live in Venezuela, where the power situation is getting worse. It has been going off at completely random times for at least two hours each time, and up to..ten hours, I think it's been. I mostly just have time to go on and do my schoolwork, check things, and that's about it.
          	That's about all the excuses I can muster up. But I don't want to make it seem like I've completely forgotten the story. It is going to go on, trust me. I'm still developing ideas and the seventh chapter /is/ being worked on everyday. It's just going..reaaaally slowly.


@ChristopherSchifani Uh, various reasons. I am, in general, a slow writer and updater, but school has also gotten a lot busier now that I'm actually..trying to get good grades. xD I also live in Venezuela, where the power situation is getting worse. It has been going off at completely random times for at least two hours each time, and up to..ten hours, I think it's been. I mostly just have time to go on and do my schoolwork, check things, and that's about it.
          That's about all the excuses I can muster up. But I don't want to make it seem like I've completely forgotten the story. It is going to go on, trust me. I'm still developing ideas and the seventh chapter /is/ being worked on everyday. It's just going..reaaaally slowly.


Real quick, just had to say, holy sh** your 13"?!? You write better than most of my classmates. I'm 21 and go to college, and I'm takeing creative writeing courses as well as speach and english and such, you wouldn't belive some of the dribble I've read or seen. Bravo natalie, I'm a complet fan already!


"There was distant anger in his eyes, I could tell, it reflected in the light like the cross around his neck."
          ^ there's a random sentence from the currently being written Chapter Six of Through Metallic Gold Eyes as a sneak peak. :C I'm so sorry if anybody's been waiting, i always take much too long to update. *lazy bitch* It should be up by this weekend..i hope.