Love, i may not be the best person to talk about this because God knows I've got self-image problems too, but hear me out, okay? Your weight does not define you. The amount of bone showing on your collar, the amount of fat surrounding your bones, the gaps between your thighs -- they. do. not. define. you. You are far, far greater and lovelier than the sum of all your body parts. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and do not let ANYONE make you feel otherwise. You are not any less lovely, beautiful, pretty, or amazing because of your weight. You do not have to be skinny to be loved. You do not have to be skinny to feel pretty. You do not have to starve yourself, exhaust yourself, and make yourself miserable to feel pretty enough, because darling you ARE pretty enough. You ARE enough. Just as you are. You do not need to be skinny to be confident or happy, because you know what? The true beauty is the woman who saunters down the street with her head held high no matter what she weighs. Confidence, in itself, is beauty. Please don't hurt yourself by starving and exhausting yourself beyond your body's limit. You do not need to conform to the standards the world has set regarding beauty, because heck it isn't even healthy. And your 110 pounds is definitely healthy, love; it isn't even heavy! I weigh MORE than that. Please. I'm begging you. You don't have to hurt yourself, because i'm sure people love you just the way you are. And if they don't then screw them I'll love you as you are.

This just showed up in my newsfeed and.. Wow.. This is such an inspiring message. And sadly this is really what every girl needs to hear now adays... We live in a world that says "beauty is in eyes and soul" but believes in 'skinny' 'almost to the point of being invisible' 'weak sick' to be beautiful. But the world is changing. And to change the world we need to accept ourselves. I love my flaws, i think i am in all ways beautiful even though people have practically called me ugly and fat to my face. Starving yoyrsrlf is not the answer. Eat. Eat healthy. You can always put on 'let it go' and dance to its beat. Dancing is not only beautiful and honest but also a fun work out. You dont have to change to fit in with people who dont think about you, you have to love yourself for being the beautiful person you are inside out "i guess i always knew that i had all the strength to make it through..." Demi Lovato. You have amazing friends and if you need one more then Hi! I am Sana and i am random i guess. We can talk about Dylan and Books!! Be strong and dont let the world chamge you. Change the world!! :))