Welp hello there. 

Just your average introverted socially awkward anime nerd with nothing 🅱️etter
to do with their time.

I like eating....eating is great.

I almost passed out once after riding my 🅱️ike down the street to get ice cream, and I feel like that says something a🅱️out me.

If you take a tour down to the reading lists I've created you will see I am a psychotic fujosh🏳️‍🌈gay🏳️‍🌈is🏳️‍🌈yay🏳️‍🌈

I am not wanted 🅱️️y the police. That's all I have to say a🅱️out that.

I sta🅱️🅱️ed my friend's 🅱️️other with a colored pencil to avenge said frend.

If you have pets, I will most likely steal them.

Anyways that's all I have to say a🅱️out me have a terri🅱️le day.
  • Dead meme hell
  • JoinedJune 19, 2017

8 Reading Lists