
Dear readers, the next ch of Aastha will be updated tomorrow, due to some issues going on, in the app. I apologise for the inconvenience. Readers are requested to co-operate and wait patiently till tomorrow evening. It's a humble request.
          	Thank you.


@author_daisy author plsss updateeee


@author_daisy update pls author it's night


Hi author,I love ur books a lot... I live the way u write and the plot is just amazing... I have a request to make could u please write rajshree book next only if possible... If u have other plans then it's fine
          The reason behind this request is I found zaid character very fascinating and please consider my request only if it's possible...
          Please take care of urself and don't stress urself.
          Love you author 


I hope this message finds you well author(we even don't know your real name ).I know we are complaining and pleading you to update it, yr we are very desperate. We are waiting, a lot of people just let go their exam prep(including me) just to read you, but you are not even telling us if you'd be able to upload it or not, we love your work, atleast respect our time and dedication also. Elsewise we are already waiting......


@devrma the app wasn't responding. And I respect everyone's time. If I wouldn't have been considerate about readers then I might've never increased the number of chapters. It's all for you readers. I purposely never delayed the updates.


@author_daisy I didn't mean to hurt t, I'm sorry for the harsh words, we genuinely respect your, I was just very overwhelming for the next chapter and waiting it the very minute you uploaded the last. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry that I made you feel hurt.