
Guys, I am literally the worst person on this planet for not updating in like forever. I am so so so so sorry. I haven't had that much inspiration but lately my creative juices have been flowing so I believe I will be updating Avenging in July by tomorrow.. If not then sometime soon hopefully... Alright well I just kinda wanted to tell you that I'm not dead so yep! I'm glad to be back on here!!!


Guys, I am literally the worst person on this planet for not updating in like forever. I am so so so so sorry. I haven't had that much inspiration but lately my creative juices have been flowing so I believe I will be updating Avenging in July by tomorrow.. If not then sometime soon hopefully... Alright well I just kinda wanted to tell you that I'm not dead so yep! I'm glad to be back on here!!!


Holy Lord I have not been on here in forever!!!! I apologize greatly if you have been waiting for any updates! I will try my best to bring back the inspiration I once had to give you some great chapters but you'll have to be a little patient. I had like 396 notifications... That's just not good... Oops.


Okay so this next update to "Avenging in July" is going to have a lot of BK stuff in it... I'm kinda thinking that I might make a prequel after i finish this book... MIGHT. Otherwise i will just continue with a sequel after this book ends... whenever that happens...


Okay so I have another book that I've been waiting to publish a few chapters but I just want to know if you guys would rather want more updates to "Avenging in July" instead.


@avenging_marvel avenging july please ?


Or instead of the new book and "Avenging in July," you would rather have some "Marvel One Shots" that are currently on hold...