
@cliffordgirl101 woah i really didn't mean to insult you, i'm sorry. i think you're a cool person too and if you ask, i'll read your story if you want. i don't just follow people because of their taste in music, i also follow them because they're good writers. please don't take what i said the wrong way.


@baisemoiashton ok I'm sorry I guessed I over acted but ya know its because you said "only because you have good taste in music" I'm sorry if I sounded like a bitch lol... and thanks but if you told me that sooner I wouldn't have went all... mean to you... sorry again 


@cliffordgirl101 woah i really didn't mean to insult you, i'm sorry. i think you're a cool person too and if you ask, i'll read your story if you want. i don't just follow people because of their taste in music, i also follow them because they're good writers. please don't take what i said the wrong way.


@baisemoiashton ok I'm sorry I guessed I over acted but ya know its because you said "only because you have good taste in music" I'm sorry if I sounded like a bitch lol... and thanks but if you told me that sooner I wouldn't have went all... mean to you... sorry again 


@cliffordgirl101 only because you have good taste in music (;


@baisemoiashton see I was the first to follow you before you followed me 


@baisemoiashton um... ok thanks I guess but just so ya know the only reason why I haven't published stories yet is because I'm still working on them I'm actually working my butt off... so I think it's kinda of dumb just for you to follow me because I have good taste in music... I mean I followed you because you seemed like a cool person and I was gonna read ur stories but um... yea thanks anyway I really like how "some people" follow me just because I have "good taste in music" I guess... it was kind of a complement but actually... I feel kinda insulted because ur only following me because I have good taste in music... and I thought I seemed like a cool person to you... and I thought maybe you would maybe read my stories....but thanks 