Aloha! Wazzup, homeskillet?? Wait... what was I supposed to be doing again? Oh yeah, introducing myself! Well, I'm Thad Kid Over There (how flipping awesome would that be if that was my real name?). 

Um... What else would you not want to know about me? Oh, yeah! I have schizoaffective disorder and OCD (and acid reflux, if that's even worth mentioning about me).

Okay, just one more thing before I leave you alone. Do not try anything I write about at home, kids. And for the love of all things decent, PLEASE don't chew with your mouth open!

"That's all I have to say about that." -Forrest Gump
  • The U.S. of A.
  • EntrouJuly 6, 2013


Última mensagem
birchflower birchflower May 18, 2014 07:57PM
I am a brony and proud!
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Histórias de birchflower
Silvercreek Shorts, de birchflower
Silvercreek Shorts
Follow the citizens of the fictional town of Silvercreek, Georgia, and all their quirks.
ranking #12 em confetti Ver todos os rankings
Hear Me Roar, de birchflower
Hear Me Roar
A collection of poems with no real underlying theme.
ranking #439 em key Ver todos os rankings
Past Life Crisis, de birchflower
Past Life Crisis
What if the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele were to be reincarnated?
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