


Cassie, oh my gosh! Like, hey. You need to get back on Wattpad... i could probable text you this, but I deleted LeviElizabethRami, because I'm never on there... and now, I get to tell you that I am starting over, and writing all my stories from the beginning... and I eas wondering if you could get on and read Sierra beginning... ;)


Hi! I love Lemony Snicket. :) It's really sad that they butchered that movie... grr. Could you please read my book Abby Dante and tell me what you think of it? I would lvoe you forever! And please vote if you like it! :D Thanks!


hey guys if you read my book (I'm still working on it) Please Don't Go, I recomend watching the video Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickelback.  The video has a summery that's like exactly like what I want the book to be like.  Make sure you watch the official vid though not the lyric ones.  


hello and welcome to the lovely world of wattpad...i hope you are enjoying it and if you ever start to write a story just let me know and i will be happy to read :D...i was wondering if you would be kind enough to read my new short story called " house 13"