
Hey you guys! I know most of you have probably forgotten all about this account---it's been so long since I last logged in---but I wanted to leave a note both for you guys and for me too, as a resolution to look back on: I'm back and I'm planning to stay. I might be absent for a couple of weeks late October to prepare for finals but I'll try to check in once a week and hopefully make some progress on my drafts. I really do plan on publishing my works, as soon as possible. l'll try my best to keep up :)


Hey you guys! I know most of you have probably forgotten all about this account---it's been so long since I last logged in---but I wanted to leave a note both for you guys and for me too, as a resolution to look back on: I'm back and I'm planning to stay. I might be absent for a couple of weeks late October to prepare for finals but I'll try to check in once a week and hopefully make some progress on my drafts. I really do plan on publishing my works, as soon as possible. l'll try my best to keep up :)


Hi, everyone.
          So I've been inactive for a while---for about a month, I think. It started with a few days of being offline, then a few weeks, and wow, I guess a whole month went by just like that.
          I don't think I'll turn active again soon, though. Stuff that happened in past month(s) are...not good, and I think I'm pretty close to having a mental breakdown. But I'm fine. So...yeah. 
          I promise I'll reply to my PMs and catch up on books in a week.


@PercyJacksonisGr3at i'm okay now! i'm sorry if i made you worry, you're so sweet 


@brookebrooklyn123 hey, i'm so sorry i missed this! i hope ur doing okay now.. and if not, i'm here with virtual cookies :)