@brookiebookie08 Hello there, thanks for reading 'Fly Boy' and for taking the time to vote. :o)
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@ifitsnotyouitsme oh definitely. To the point where I've basically thrown the book across the room in anger of Some of the choices made by fictional characters. I always think "really? Did you seriously not take the time to think about the consequences?" Or what they do is so self-humiliating that I AM humiliated by reading what they've done. Also when the story starts building and a bunch of different outcomes are possible I tend to pace around and not hold still and I cannot go on reading the book for twenty more minutes. It's almost like I'm stalling myself from reading the rest of the book. I will just sit and imagine abajillion different scenarios that are highly unlucky. Like a crack-pot theory? And the book vlogs are very enjoyable (well, for me...). It probably has something to do with how when they're talking so animatedly(?) About the scenes and the characters as if they were real. It's nice to know that they can find joy in something as simple as that when they could be going to extreme lengths to find something they like. and yes, I have lists with books that I have wanted and craved to read. To receive them as gifts seems to be way too much to ask for. Especially with a hard cover copy that can cost as 20$. But you know, people could be spending their money on things that can be considered worse. But I also rent out library books but sometimes I'll get way ahead of myself and start owing late-fees? I also really enjoy when im purchasing books and can have a conversation with the cashier about them and they'll recommend other books. Anyway, are there any books that you'd recommend or some that might not have lived up to your expectations?
@brookiebookie08 Hello there, thanks for reading 'Fly Boy' and for taking the time to vote. :o)
@brookiebookie08 Yeh, my mum would yell at me, saying 'I'm not driving you to the library three times a week!' .. 'But, mooooomm..' If I'm really into a book, I can just read and read well into the night, not even realizing I need to get up for food.. Yeah, when I reach an angering part of a book, I chuck it and jump up, stating 'I'm done with this!'. Then, I have to go find the book and guess for the page number. I absolutely hate it when people make me lose my page or when they pretend to lose the number. I freak out and sometimes.. they end up getting hurt.. Uh, yeah. My favorite series- that I am currently reading for a second time- is the Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore. It's not exactly a trilogy, where if you read one, you have to read another, but it's best read Graceling, Fire, Bitterblue. It's an amazing series and I got my friend to draw the cover of the third for me. It's certainly a series that if read again, will have you scolding the characters- as I already have more than once and am only about half way through. I also really like The Forbidden Game by L.J. Smith. Every book I've read of hers, I absolutely love. Also, by her, I really like the Nightworld books (Three in one and there are three separate books..) I ripped through them, though the last one I couldn't complete for some reason. She's also written The Vampire Diaries which is a great series because there's more to it than what you'd expect, especially the further you go into the series. (There are four books and three trilogies within the overall series. The second book of the third trilogy comes out sometime in November. The original author being Smith, it has since been taken over by a ghost writer, and then Aubrey Clark- I prefer Smith.) The Iron Thorn by Caitlin Kittredge is also amazing with a kind of steam punk theme. I couldn't get through the second book, but the first is definitely worth checking out. Favorite Series: Graceling Realm Favorite Book: The Forbidden Game
@ifitsnotyouitsme oh definitely. To the point where I've basically thrown the book across the room in anger of Some of the choices made by fictional characters. I always think "really? Did you seriously not take the time to think about the consequences?" Or what they do is so self-humiliating that I AM humiliated by reading what they've done. Also when the story starts building and a bunch of different outcomes are possible I tend to pace around and not hold still and I cannot go on reading the book for twenty more minutes. It's almost like I'm stalling myself from reading the rest of the book. I will just sit and imagine abajillion different scenarios that are highly unlucky. Like a crack-pot theory? And the book vlogs are very enjoyable (well, for me...). It probably has something to do with how when they're talking so animatedly(?) About the scenes and the characters as if they were real. It's nice to know that they can find joy in something as simple as that when they could be going to extreme lengths to find something they like. and yes, I have lists with books that I have wanted and craved to read. To receive them as gifts seems to be way too much to ask for. Especially with a hard cover copy that can cost as 20$. But you know, people could be spending their money on things that can be considered worse. But I also rent out library books but sometimes I'll get way ahead of myself and start owing late-fees? I also really enjoy when im purchasing books and can have a conversation with the cashier about them and they'll recommend other books. Anyway, are there any books that you'd recommend or some that might not have lived up to your expectations?
@brookiebookie08 That has to be one of the most amazing feelings, to know you have someone to rant with about characters and stories and authors, etc. I almost never find that I read the same book as someone close to me, so as I begin to 'exclaim my affection', they either join in with some other topic that they have their own 'affection' towards or they look at me like I'm crazy, wait until I'm finished, and begin again with 'anyway...'. I tend to refer to characters of previous books, etc. and often get a 'who's Julian', as he is my usual reference. This happens a lot, and I feel for those that befriend me, not knowing of my 'fundamental piece of life'. I too, prefer the hardcover version of a book. I get most of my books from the library due to wanting to save money and having too many books on my list to receive all of them as gifts. Along with this, now that I think about it- and take a peek- my bookshelves do seem quite bare and lonely. Hopefully, I'll be able to do something about that soon... I've never actually heard of a book vlog, never even entertained the thought of there being such a thing. I've watched video game walkthroughs and other vlogs, etc. but as stated, never thought of a book vlog. I suppose it makes sense, though, and I believe I shall be searching for said videos! Well, you're the first. Even other book lovers that I know, seem utterly confused when it seems I've lost my mind. Have you ever read a book a second time and known all the answers and yelled at every mistake or misconception a character has made?
@ifitsnotyouitsme yes! That is dead on! But after I go to recommend a book, they won't read it until they see that there's actual hype going on... so I usually just end up loaning someone a copy of my book but they're not reading it, I don't know. I guess I just like to have the book on my shelf because I have probably two or three gaps where 400-600 page books usually are. Haha and yeah I've been called crazy with my reading habits. I guess there's just people who don't enjoy reading AT ALL. But then there's also people who read what you read; I like to call them my "book buddies". Cause, you know, right after I'm done reading a book and maybe throwing it at a wall I'll just call or something and then THEY read the book and we rant together, it's a nice process. But like I said I go on full book rant for a couple days and NO ONE knows what I'm talking about. And yes, when the book comes out earlier than when it's supposed to, I feel like crying or something. I usually end up just pacing around for the next little while. Or when there's a book that you're waiting for it to come out but I'm broke and i know no one else is going to buy it for me. I still have a book like that that I've been anxious to read but when it came out I totally just spaced. Another thing is when you have all these books you want to read but you just never get to. They're new and stuff so the Library's unreliable. The nearest book store is literally like a 45 minute drive from where I live. And sometimes I don't want to buy it on my kindle or something because I may or may not want to buy it in its physical copy after I've read it. I like to have the book in its physical form and a hardcover. Bookshelves just looks alive when they're filled with books. And this is going to sound weird but like a gamer would go online and search up walkthroughs and stuff, I'd go online to book vlogs and look at what they're reading... weird i know. That's the norm inside my head so it wouldn't scare me.
@brookiebookie08 I know! That happens to me all the time! They just accept it as a part of my insanity and move on. Though, every time a friend of mine finds me reading, he calls me obsessive. One! I'd prefer to call it a fundamental piece of life. Two! Look around, I'm not the only one reading, so, shushes! Then again, I may just be in denial. Yes! Me too! When the Hunger Games series got everyone's attention, it was more of a 'been there, done that' moment. Soon, everyone was reading the books and talking about them and OTPing. And again, been there, please move on. There was another series that I never finished, but my friend found and is now all over it. I saw that! The Mortal Instruments coming out this month. I had heard of the series and I suppose wanted to read it. Though, over time, I had completely forgotten about it.. That is, until I saw the trailer for the movie. It looks incredible, and I think I might go back and find the series- ya know, before everyone wants to read it because of the movie. I find myself avoiding books that are extremely popular, only because I'd like to find something new and then persuade the minds of my acquaintances and peers and friends and random people at the doctor's office or the grocery store or friends' parents to read the book or the series or the author. I also find myself ashamed when I find that the next book in a series has come out months before I find out. I get really anxious and start screaming and it's all a horrible mess. I'm usually the one to be counting the days until the next 'piece of the puzzle' comes out and am at the library as soon as they carry it. I was completely devastated when I found out in June that the next book of a series I've been following for a while came out in May. I still don't have it. Will do! Hopefully, I'll have it soon. I too, can go on and on and on for hours. Though, I usually get to the point of yelling and shouting and arms flailing aaand... I usually scare people away.
@ifitsnotyouitsme totally! I book rant all the time. It's just hard when the person you're ranting to doesn't really care and you feel weird talking about it with no one listening. They're all really great books and it makes me happy that I know other people who read them and rant about them as much as I do and maybe more. And my cat? She gets put into the never listening CATegory (hehe) but you know, she just sleeps all the time and we feed her and pet her and she doesn't do anything for us? (Desperate much, are we?) And here I am, ranting about a cat. As how the conversation usual comes to. Anyway I basically fangirl everytime I get news that books are becoming more popular and are being developed into movies. I feel so accomplished and I'm just "aha I read that before it even became popular, aha" and basically drag everyone along with me to see the movie and stuff. And The Mortal Instruments will be out this month! Divergent is coming along! PJO is so far bombing everything but it's still awesome it even happened! When you read them you can tell me what you think, I can rant forever about these things, seriously. Aaaand sorry about said crazy ranting but it was fun coming across a fellow fan wattpad-er(?)
I saw the Divergent Trilogy, and said to myself (Psh, I mean my cat, but she never listens) 'Hey! I want to read that!' (Well, it was more like 'Diiiiveeergeeennnttt', but that's sort of the equivalent to saying I want to read it) Then, I came across The Mortal Instruments series and thought 'Yeah, I've heard of it, I know it! Yes! Kinda want to read that, too.' Then, (this is where it gets interesting) I saw Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy and started screaming and pacing and my face started contorting. I saw the first book at a book store and told my friend I wanted it. I'm so excited to read it! (If he forgets, I will write it in permanent marker on his forehead) I know exactly where it is at said book store. And every time I go, I think I'm going to find myself making sure it's there. (If it's not, well, I'll probably start hyperventilating, but that's a story for a different time.) Sorry about the crazy ranting, but that seems to happen when I either find a book I suddenly want to read with my entire being, when I come across a book that I have and/or loved/love, or when someone reminds me of a book that I either want to read or already love.
@DarknessAndLight yep and you're welcome :). I can tell your a very talented writer and your work is amazing! Keep on writing!
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