The spark... i feel like it has returned. these past few times my mind has been a mess but one thing has been calling out more then every... its... been so long since i have even considered doing anything for the story. i am currently looking back at the previous chapters, and i will be doing my best to work on them and do my best to try and get this back up and running. i've been focusing on my streaming for some time but the spark has returned, the FIRE is back for this and i do not want to waste it, so please, any of my followers that are still here, i want you to give me questions, anything about the story, i need a bit of guidance to make the burn in the right way, anything and everything, i want to hear it, and if you are still here, i thank you dearly for being so very patient, but this time, i feel like for once... the fire is alive. and i want to get it burning brighter then ever before! here is a link to my personal discord for both streaming but also where i will be doing all sorts of things for the story, answering questions as much as possible. perhaps the next time you see beginning anew, it may be brighter then ever before!