I love food and i love one direction there the best. i might also uploaded a bit of 5sos but im not sure
  • انضمApril 13, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
carolinaihoran carolinaihoran Nov 12, 2015 05:29AM
Directioners or beliebers Directioners we have to win those beliebers we are better then them we can do this on first first rhing to target we have to win this # Directioners for the win 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Carolina
Guess the song بقلم carolinaihoran
Guess the song
Guys I absolutely love the books where you guess the song so I want t make one.
thoughts بقلم carolinaihoran
thoughts hi guys my friends have made a book like this so i decided to give a go
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Backstage pass بقلم carolinaihoran
Backstage pass
" Hello honey you have the best parents of the world cause we just got you and your cousins backstage...
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