today. one of my best friends was diagnosed with cancer. and the first thing she tells me is "im a real life hazel grace." before busting out in tears. We're seventeen. But im sorry if im slow uploading. I have more important things on my plate right now. im sorry.
Hello there, lovely
Your covers are so beautiful! Did you make them yourself?
Your bio really intrigues me. I agree, I'm insane too.
Before this turns weird, I'll bid adieu :)
Have a great day
Now go be awesome...
today. one of my best friends was diagnosed with cancer. and the first thing she tells me is "im a real life hazel grace." before busting out in tears. We're seventeen. But im sorry if im slow uploading. I have more important things on my plate right now. im sorry.
Let me just say this you are wonderful. Around a month back you had made a cover for my book, and I must tell you that people appreciate it a lot. I feel so happy to have asked you to make it!
From the Bottom of my Heart
Amber Tryst