
@JellybeanYu your welcome


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          You say, "go to hell." I say, "go kiss a dementor."
          You say football, I say Quidditch. 
          You say Mars, I say Pigfarts. 
          You say paparazzi, I say Rita Skeeter. 
          You say depression, I say "The dementors must be near. Here, have some chocolate."
          You say Hitler, I say Voldemort
          You say school, I say Hogwarts. 
          You say, "I'm going to kill you!", I yell "Avanda Kedavra!"
          You say b****, I say git. 
          You say, "long live the queen." I say, "long live J.K. Rowling." 
          You say, "my dog ate my homework!" I say, "those bloody Nargles stole my homework again!" 
          You say hot, I say nice skin. 
          You say epic, I say bloody brilliant. 
          You say, "I'm telling." I say, "wait until my father hears about this." 
          You say coke, I say butterbeer. 
          You say Kristen Stewart, I say Emma Watson. 
          You say Edward Cullen, I say Cedric Diggory. 
          You say Bella, I say Bellatrix. 
          You say prison, I say Azkaban. 
          You say socks, I cry and exclaim, "Dobby!"