
nova ! <3 


even though we hadn’t talked in a long time , you’re still the amazing person i remember from a couple years ago 


thanks for always being one of the sweetest people ever :) 


hi i wanted to make u a thread 


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honey, you don’t have to keep this up here but i’m writing to you because i know that you definitely deserve it. nova, it’s been so long since we’ve became friends and i’m not sure exactly when, but i have a feeling it’s been over a year. ♡ me and you have been through so much stuff and i honestly don’t remember it all, but we bounced back like we always did. i remember back when we first met and it was so cute. you would always tend to get shy and you still do today, but i can see the maturity between us two. we’ve grown up a lot and i’m glad i got to experience that process with you. you’re nothing but a kind, warm-hearted soul who deserves all happiness. i know you’ve been through enough bullshit and wants nothing but to be happy; it’s hard. i know. i’ve been through the same too. i know with enough self motivation and support from your friends, you can push forward. you don’t know how happy i was when i say that you texted me when i came back up here. i thought you would hate me, but i was just being stupid. i’m glad that we still have a tight bond after so long. nothing can tear us apart. you will forever mean a lot to me and i want to grow old with you, love. i don’t care if we fall off one day — i’ll come back for you. i mean that. remember that i’ll always be here as a right shoulder for you, baby. you’re nothing but a sweetheart and i want everyone to know that. i love you so much and won’t ever stop, nova. much love. xoxo


i know you’re not up here anymore and i know i left without saying goodbye. i wished i didn’t do that. i wished i had texted you and lyk my reasonings, but i felt like they weren’t a good enough excuse. i felt like you wouldn’t accept them. sounds selfish, right? i know. i apologize. but nova, just know that i haven’t forgotten about you. how could i? you’re an angel in disguise. you always made my day, i swear. i was always smiling and happy around you. you really always made my day. if you see this one day, i hope we can catch back up. it’s been awhile since we last talked and that was because i left. i really do hope you see this. i miss you. i miss you so much, nova. i hope you’re well. i hope you’re smiling. i hope you have someone or people by your side that’s making you happy. you deserve to smile. you’re an angel. since i’m kinda up here, i’ll be sure to send in msgs every now and then, hoping that one day you’ll see it. please, be taking care, sweetie. i love you will my whole heart, nova. i hope we meet again one day. until then, i’ll send continue to send you sweet msgs. i hope you’re having a good day and just know, you will always matter to me. ♡


nova, where do i even begin with our amazing friendship we’ve built throughout these past two years. i’m so thankful for you being by my side all the time. whether you are there or not, i know that you’ll always be there in my heart. you’ve made me grow up so much and face reality its self. i cant sincerely thank you enough for all your kindness. you are like the big sister i never had, and i wouldn’t ask for a better one. ☁️ honestly, i’ve thank you so much it might come off as annoying. but, either way i will forever be in your debt. you’ve made me so much happier during my times. i will always love you for eternity. i’ll even love you when i’m no longer on this place we call earth. ♡ it’ll almost be our two year friendaversary in april. i cant believe it’s been such a long time. i still fondly remember when we first met. i could have never thought we would have gone this far. i thank the universe for making us find one another. you are the best thing that has come into my life other than my family. i’ll try to make you always happy no matter what