Hey, guys! I just wanted to everybody who has recently followed me. I will follow you soon and thank you personally, but right now my messages ain't workin'. Anyways, thanks for supporting me and reading my stupid books. It means a lot. I do, however, have an issue:
*lays on therapy couch*
I have a WW2 fanfic that I began when I was fourteen, but I had to put it off for three years because I...I got lazy. Anyways, I am thinking of finishing it because I always wanted to, but I'm scared that people won't read it because the fandom isn't as popular on here as it was in 2014. So, what should I do? Should I finish it and publish it on here (or another place that might be more Hetalia active) or should I should just let it go? I'm kind of cool with both decisions but as my readers/followers, I wanted your final input.
Anyways, thanks again, and I will see ya later! And if you ever need feedback on your writing or need to talk, I'm here!