
this message may be offensive
I’m sorry for my rather substantial leave of absence. If you are still here after all this time, thank you for your support. 
          	As an offering  (or perhaps it’s more prudent to call it a bribe), here is a brief excerpt from an upcoming chapter:
          	Friday, November 30th, 2018- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
          	Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, The Yas Marina Circuit 
          	“What the fuck are you doing?” You hiss out, somehow managing to recover from the sharp intake of breath you’d sucked at the sudden warmth of Max’s hand on your hip, as you cut your eyes sideways at Max, who, by way of explanation, merely shrugs, “you can’t just do that.”
          	“I just did,” Max responds simply. You open your mouth to protest, to demand he stop touching you right now, right this very instant, but he quickly waylays you, cutting you off before you have a chance to say a single thing, “people are watching us so just do your job and play along.”
          	“No one is looking at us,” you retort, jerking your head dismissively and fighting valiantly to not give away just how off guard he’s just managed to have caught you, the heat of his palm bleeding through the thin weave of your top, “let go of me, Max.”
          	As the grip his fingers have on your side deepens, his hold on you tightening until the rough, calloused surface of his fingertips are well and truly digging into your skin, as he leans into you, giving you a few, quick warning squeezes as you continue to speak, cautioning you to watch what you say and how exactly you say it.


@collectionoffics oh god thankyou sm pls do update TvT , tc!!!


this message may be offensive
I’m sorry for my rather substantial leave of absence. If you are still here after all this time, thank you for your support. 
          As an offering  (or perhaps it’s more prudent to call it a bribe), here is a brief excerpt from an upcoming chapter:
          Friday, November 30th, 2018- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
          Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, The Yas Marina Circuit 
          “What the fuck are you doing?” You hiss out, somehow managing to recover from the sharp intake of breath you’d sucked at the sudden warmth of Max’s hand on your hip, as you cut your eyes sideways at Max, who, by way of explanation, merely shrugs, “you can’t just do that.”
          “I just did,” Max responds simply. You open your mouth to protest, to demand he stop touching you right now, right this very instant, but he quickly waylays you, cutting you off before you have a chance to say a single thing, “people are watching us so just do your job and play along.”
          “No one is looking at us,” you retort, jerking your head dismissively and fighting valiantly to not give away just how off guard he’s just managed to have caught you, the heat of his palm bleeding through the thin weave of your top, “let go of me, Max.”
          As the grip his fingers have on your side deepens, his hold on you tightening until the rough, calloused surface of his fingertips are well and truly digging into your skin, as he leans into you, giving you a few, quick warning squeezes as you continue to speak, cautioning you to watch what you say and how exactly you say it.


@collectionoffics oh god thankyou sm pls do update TvT , tc!!!


Hii! I've read it the three of us fic and I'm absolutely in love! Do u plan on getting a update? x


Hi baby! Thank you so much for reading my fic! I am hoping to have an update posted this week or early next! I’ve had some family stuff going on along with my job that’s made writing difficult! But I should be back at it soon! 


I can’t believe 2022 is ending with three of us hitting 150k!! Thank you all so much, I’ve adored sharing my story with you this year and I’m looking forward to continuing on into 2023! 
          Also, I’d like to apologize for the delay in the next part being posted, there’s just a lot going on behind in the scene in my life that’s making find the time to write virtually impossible. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate your continued patience <3


@collectionoffics oh I'm so excited to read that you are still updating! I've recently found Three of Us and you are such an incredible author and I'm so invested  Excited for more but obviously take care of life first! 


No need to apologize! Life happens! You gotta do what you gotta do. I hope things can calm down for you soon 


Should I post the next part of Three of Us tonight to try and make amends for the last one? 


@collectionoffics ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@ collectionoffics  Don't worry, just take your time. I know how long it can take sometimes to writer a chapter. I happens to me too ❤️


I’ve made just enough changes to the plot that I gotta fix some stuff first!!! I’m trying to get it finished asap!


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Sneak peek from the next part of Three of Us…
          Because what it all really came down to was just three little things, all of which Daniel knew to be unequivocally true.
          The first of them was that the years of want had in fact finally given way to a moment of need.
          The second was that regardless of what anyone else thought or said, Max would think of the transgression as a betrayal and for that, likely never forgive him.
          And the third, the final fact, was that he really didn’t fucking care what Max did or did not forgive him for anymore.


@collectionoffics it's been so long since you updated  I hope ur okay lmao 


@collectionoffics omg is this gonna ruin our relationship with danny


this message may be offensive
@collectionoffics I think that I'm not ready for what's about to happen... You've scared the shit out of me with this sneak peek


this message may be offensive
Sneak peek from an upcoming  coming part of Three of Us…
          “Do you know how long it’s been since I touched you? Because I do. Thirteen days. Thirteen fucking days in three countries, across two continents.
          And I know it’s been eight nights since you slept beside me, and I know it’s been eight days since I saw you last. It’s been eight since I came home alone, and it’s been eight since you let me. I know the numbers and I remember the days because I count them, schatje, all of them– I count and count and count– and it’s driving me fucking insane.”


@collectionoffics why is this so hauntingly romanticc


@ collectionoffics  Oh God, I need you to update! Please!